Saturday 19 April 2014

Let's get Dr. Finno to Clifden 19 August 2014

The upcoming meeting at which Dr Finno will present the results of the genetic research into HWSS is exciting progress.   As with everything, progress comes at a cost.  

The Connemara Pony Research Group is an informal collection of people who came together in an effort to find the cause of HWSS. The research undertaken by the Bannasch Laboratory on the group's behalf was funded by member's donations, a grant from the American Connemara Pony Society Foundation and  many public donations made to the Connemara DNA Research Fund, Centre for Equine Health, University of California Davis, USA.

Knowing that the result of the research and genetic test development is of importance to every Connemara pony owner or breeder, the decision was made to bring Dr Finno to Ireland to present the results of the research.  The presentation will be of value and interest to veterinarians, farriers and Connemara pony breeders from across the world, many of whom will be attending 2014 Clifden Show Week and Sales.

The CPBS and the ICCPS were offered the opportunity to support this event at no monetary cost to either organisation.  However neither of these two organisations has replied to their invitation.

We need to raise funds to pay the costs of getting Dr Finno to Ireland, her accommodation in Ireland, and associated costs of presenting this meeting.   An application for funding support was made to Horse Sport Ireland but as the result of their own funding cuts, they were unable to help.

We need your help to raise the funds.

Should any organisation, business or private individual wish to be a named sponsor for this event, then please contact the group  email

Several methods are available to make donations to the Dr Finno Travel Fund :
  • SEPA-banktransfer. Free of charge!
    Recipient: B. Hellwig Connemara Pony Research Group
    IBAN: DE35 5605 1790 0101 2347 71
    Bank name: KSK Rhein-Hunsrueck
  • GoFundMe (+paypal). 7.9% +35c will be taken from every donation

The total donated funds will be updated on the barometer below.  

Sunday 27 April.2014 

Provided by
We are extremely delighted with the Euro500 donated by the  German Connemara Pony Association (Connemara Pony Interessengemeinschaft) who have been great supporters of the research project from the outset and who are also managing the accounts on behalf of the Connemara Pony Research Group.  Euro180 has been donated by several German breeders.

Provided by

Surplus Funds will be donated to:
Connemara DNA Research, 
Centre for Equine Health,
UC Davis,