Tuesday 10 March 2015

HWSD Meeting, Station House Hotel Theatre, Clifden. 3pm 28 March 2015

HWSD Meeting, 
Station House Hotel Theatre, 
3pm 28 March 2015

There have been multiple requests, via social media, for this meeting to be repeated at other venues in Ireland, however logistics and time constraints of the speakers makes this very difficult to arrange.

As a result the organiser is attempting to arrange for live streaming for this meeting.  

Because of connectivity issues there will be only a limited number of link-ups available.  

The present idea is that several 'meeting hubs' will be arranged in reasonably central locations in other parts of Ireland, where people can then gather to watch the meeting.  It is also hoped that there will be facility for limited interaction to the meeting, via IM for, the people at the 'hubs'.

It is possible that people in countries other than Ireland could also  be linked to the live stream using the same concept of  a centralised venue.

Expressions of interest from countries other than Ireland should be made to the CPRG email account:
connemara.pony.research.group(@)gmail.com.   Remove ( ) before sending email.

In addition to Kate Murray (MRCVS) speaking about the background and veterinary perspective of HWSD as previously advertised, Sheila Ramsay will also be speaking at the meeting and presenting the latest information on the pedigree research.